[英文自傳範例] Writing an Autobiography

Students don't enjoy writing unless it is about something they have a vested interest in. This writing project shows how to get them to write a book about themselves.

English teachers often find that getting students to write papers is like pulling teeth. Finding the perfect assignment that all the students enjoy and can feel successful at is a difficult task. Writing an autobiography allows the student to write about a topic that they are most knowledgeable about. In addition the assignment allows the students to learn the conventions of writing and be as creative as possible.

This lesson plan could be used for anywhere from 2 weeks to three months depending on the length of time given for each section. The assignment is divided into chapters, some of which require assistance from the parents, while others are based strictly on what the student knows.

For each chapter, students need to do the research involved and then write a chapter based on the guidelines and the content suggested.
Chapter 1: Before I Was Born

The assignment for this chapter needs to be made with a couple of days to get it turned in. Students needs to ask their parents or grandparents for information about the history of the family. The history could include interesting anecdotes about the student's family as well as the names of famous ancestors.

A family tree is included in this section, which should go back to the student's great grandparents. The students could be given the following questions as guidelines:

    * Where did my ancestors come from and why?
    * What kinds of jobs did they do?
    * Are there any family stories that are passed down from generation to generation? This chapter of the book allows the student to look into their family history with often some exciting results.

Chapter 2: My Entrance

The assignment for this chapter could be combined with chapter 1, as it also need assistance from the family. This chapter is all about the birth of the student. It should include details about the weather, vital statistics of the student at birth, and any other details that the family wishes to include such as doctor, hospital, etc. The student gains insight into his/her own life by the writing of this chapter.




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